No More Mr Nice Gay

Raised in the trenches of working-class dysfunction, I was armoured with niceness as a strategy to navigate the world. It led to chronic pain, keeping things quiet that I should have yelled about, and years of internalised shame. So now, I’d like to question the price of this congeniality.

In this naughty little solo show I will be mincing into my villain era. Sashaying across the divide between light and shadow, public and private, good and bad, I’m on a mission out what I have to learn about the less “nice” aspects of myself that I hide from public view.

Is kindness a quality I wore to survive a straight world? Did I willingly purchase that mask from the very systems I should be raging against? Or am I in fact not as nice as I thought I was all along?

It’s time for the dawn of a new gay. If it’s no more mr nice gay, then who?