What’s all this cake all about then? Scroll down for a gander at the pics, or keep reading…

Are you surprised to find cakes here? Me too. Remember that global pandemic we all lived through? Yeah. I didn’t see that coming either. But I did find myself baking through it. Now, I’m an advocate for mental health and, to do that well, I believe we need to integrate all parts of ourselves. Professional and personal, public and private, light and shadow. So, I include the cakes here as delicious little talking points. Even found myself at one point winning a festive reality TV show as a consequence of this sweet madness.

Cake as metaphor

There is so much about cake that I love as a metaphor. First and foremost, when you bake you bring it to the table. You then offer it to people to digest, allowing them to say when they’ve had enough, which is such a great example of how to carefully offer conversation around tricky topics (like mental health). And finally, crafting cakes is an example of creation and destruction in perfect balance. And that has been a vital step in my own mental health journey. To understand the positive and negative, creative and destructive, and allow them to find a balanced expression. Yummy.

Follow @DougieBakesss on Instagram for more. Click any of the pictures below and it’ll take you straight there.